Unoa Santa Girl as she arrives in her Santa outfit.
The Santa Girl version is not blushed, so I blushed my doll using an airbrush.
Unoa Light can wear Joe Tai boots when you put on her smaller size feet. She can also wear some ReMent shoes and boots, Azone shoes and boots, Volks 1/6 scale shoes and boots with the smaller feet.
Here she wears an outfit from the ReMent Petite Mode Fashion Collection.
Another ReMent outfit.
Here she wears a Barbie Fashion Avenue anime style outfit.
Here she is with my full size Unoa Qulut Lusis
This is the new 11" release of the Unoa Quluts Light dolls. This version is a plastic doll made by Sekeguchi with rooted hair and a painted face. She was released in the first version in November 2007 as a blonde with a blushed body. The second version, which is my doll, is the Santa Girl Christmas version released on December 22, 2007. A boy version was also released in series 1 and series two. The second version is a brunette doll and has no body blushing. I blushed mine with an airbrush. She is 11" tall, hard plastic and fully jointed. She arrives with an extra pair of hands and feet. Her hands just pull out to change. The feet pull off to change from the large feet to smaller feet that wear more types of doll shoes. These dolls are only sold in Japan from Sekeguchi or Japan, so you will need a Japanese Shopping service to purchase one of these or a bidding service for Yahoo Japan auctions. They do turn up on the secondary market on Ebay as well. The dolls retail for aproximately $150 US. but are higher on the secondary market.
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